P & P Golf Cars ::  Indiana Golf Car Sales, Service, Parts & Rentals

Location & Directions

P & P Golf Cars is located at 9788 North Mann Road in Mooresville, IN, near the intersection of Indiana State Road 144 and Mann Road.

Via S.R. 37:   10 miles south of I-465 on S.R. 37 to S.R. 144.  Right (West) on S.R. 144 2 1/2 miles to Mann Rd.  Right on Mann Rd.  P & P is on immediate left.

Via S.R. 67:   10 miles south of I-465 on S.R. 67 to S.R. 144.  Left (East) on S.R. 144 5 1/2 miles to Mann Rd.  Left on Mann Rd.  P & P is on immediate left.

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